Ruth Wallace
Ruth’s practice is based primarily in drawing and revolves around themes of absence and memory. Much of her work is concerned with the traces and memories of people which are left behind and still resonate when the people themselves have gone. Through drawings of empty interiors, items of clothing or faded, sepia photographs of an ancestor, she explores the borderland between absence and presence, the familiar and the strange and the idea that walls hold stories and presences within them.
Ruth works mostly in charcoal or mixed media, using traditional materials but often using unconventional techniques, including a method of frottage which she has developed over a number of years.
Ruth has exhibited in the UK and internationally and is a regular exhibitor at the RWA, where she has also taught classes and workshops at the Drawing School since 2008. She has an MA in Fine Art from the University of the West of England, a BA in Graphic Design from Bath Academy of Art and is based at BV Studios in Bristol.
