Bristol & Bath Culture Flash Sale 2020
Save money with thousands of discounted tickets and offers in the Bristol and Bath 24-hour Culture Flash Sale
Best of the West – Art exhibitions and events in October 2019
The best art exhibitions in Bristol and the Westcountry this month – selected by the Friends of the RWA…
Big names announced for RWA Secret Postcard Auction
We are just over a month away from our annual Secret Postcard Auction and we are excited to announce that we’ve already received fantastic original works of art from artists.
So, how does the Secret Postcard Auction work?
The Secret Postcards are displayed at the RWA. When bids are placed, they are displayed alongside the relevant card.
166 Annual Open Exhibition Awards and Prizes
Every year the RWA offers great prizes to artists taking part in the Annual Open Exhibition. Find out more about this year's prizes in this article.