Howard Silverman
I tend to see what I do as primarily 'drawing', regardless of the medium or vehicle, in that it is a journey on the way to 'becoming', with, thankfully, no prospect of arriving. A continual repositioning or reconfiguration of questions and proposals. The consequent activity, making things, is a way of signposting, to myself, my engagement with the world and communicating it to others. In the studio, as much as I ever will, I know who I am and have a sense of what I'm about. It has always been my laboratory, launch pad and refuge.
My work has an aspect of eclecticism - something that was encouraged when I was a student and something I encouraged as a teacher. For me it underpins the unpredictable possibilities of invention (the pursuit of the unexpected) - moving from what I know/am to what I might become/understand.
There is also an evolving thread, keeping connections - themes/ideas being revisited, bringing newer experiences to bear upon the 'dialogue' - through the accumulative warp, which is my perception.
Born and raised in New York City and living in Bristol since 1972, urban energy is a significant influence. The pulsating layering and weaving of spaces, activities, rhythms: fragmentation, chaotic clashes and celebration.


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