Maureen Nathan
"Examining memory and the seen, the concepts of holding, containment and the hidden interior play a huge role in my artistic practice. Often using still life as a starting point to explore these concerns I work with vessels, ancient and modern, domestic and decorative. The flotsam and jetsam of walks in nature, through forest or by the seashore, stuffed in pockets or cloth bags, come into the studio to take their places amongst the vessels, real or imagined, as reminders of feelings, temperatures and colours.
As a multidisciplinary artist the use of differing methods and materials offer a variety of pathways for me to translate experiences into fully realised artworks, with drawing underpinning everything."
Gallery Images (from left)
- Minds Eye 175x195cm
- Punchinello 170x190cm
- Empty Plates 2023 monoprint
- Wont Fade Away 2023 monoprint