Artwork of the Month – July

July’s Artwork of the Month has been chosen by John Palmer RWA. He has chosen Senate House by Bernard Dunstan RA NEAC PPRWA.
‘A Past-President of the RWA, Bernard Dunstan has recently had a successful exhibition, jointly with his wife Diana Armfield, at the Royal Academy and I thought it would be appropriate to choose this work in the RWA Permanent Collection as my Artwork of the Month.
This is a great example of Modern Impressionist painting. The under-painting washes of umber and grey unify the whole work, with heavier paint in the sky of blue grey with glimpses of the background. The composition is balanced; the foreground which creates a shadow also lets the under-painting come through. On the building, everything is suggested, but with enough information to allow the eye to complete the image. Although painted some 60 years ago, the work retains freshness and vitality.
Whilst handling the painting, I did the thing that you always should do (if permissible): look at the back. The provenance is there, comprising artist, acquisition, framer and price.’
John Palmer RWA