Scribble and Sketch Online (No.22) Op-Art
Do you enjoy optical illusions? Have you ever tried to create your own? Look at the work of artist Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely or Jesus Rafael Soto, who are all famous for their patterned paintings that play tricks on our eyes.
You can follow these clear instructions created by Scribble & Sketch artist, Abigail Reed. This Op-Art workshop is inspired by Bridget Riley's line paintings.
Download the workshop instruction sheets here.
Please check back to find out when Scribble & Sketch will resume. Currently we will continue to run the workshops online.
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Scribble and Sketch Online (No.25) Autumn Printing
Print beautiful designs based on autumn leaves, using plasticine!
Scribble and Sketch Online (No.24) Scrapbooks
Have fun breaking the rules with colours and make landscape drawing fun!
Scribble and Sketch Online (No.23) Abstract Landscapes
Have fun breaking the rules with colours and make landscape drawing fun!
Scribble and Sketch Online (No.22) Op-Art
All the family will have fun making these optical illusions